YouTube Videos

Julian Smith of Hamble Marine Surveys will be making a series of videos over the Winter to highlight common defects found on vessels during surveys. The videos are short, but concise and it is hoped that they will be useful to owners and purchasers. If you have any queries or require the services of Hamble Marine Survey, please feel free in contacting us.

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Winter Lay-up - Are you Ready?

Winter is here again!

With Winter already here and the weather soon to worsen, a short list of items you may want to think about.

  1. Check that you are happy with the manner in which the marina boatyard have propped or cradled your vessel. I see time and time agin vessels poorly supported by shores or cradles causing damage to the hull or worse a vessel on her side... Make sure the boatyard have used large pads to spread the load from the pads and if you see any signs of indentation or doors and sole boards no longer fitting inside, then speak to the yard.

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Some interesting images of corrosion noted during recent surveys.  Seawater is a very corrosive medium and illustrated very clearly in the following images.  All the following vessels were presented for sale and the owners were not aware of the corrosion!

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Why do I need a Survey?

I sometimes get asked why do I need a survey, especially when the purchaser is considering a vessel only 1 or 2 years old. It is clear to see the benefits when considering a 10 or 15 years old yacht, but what about a newer vessel.

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Survey, Seatrial, Safety Equipment & School

Just recently I offer a full service to a couple purchasing a powerboat. I performed a Pre-Purchase Survey on the vessel followed by a seatrail with them and the brokers. Following the purchase I then project mananged the vessel's repairs and refit including supplying new Ocean Safety equipment. Finally, I spent a day on the vessel with them picking up snags, explaining how the vessel operated and giving guidance and coaching on handling the vessel.

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